The Fallenposters Blog

Because the posters fell down, duh.

Posts Tagged ‘brain

My Brain: Active and Aware in the Morning, A Puddle of Gray Soup in the Evening

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I think I’m going to need to accept the fact that I’m going to have to become a weekend blogger.

Last weekend, I posted every day.  I was on top of things.  I was the king of the blogging world!  But then I went back to work on Monday, and things went downhill.

I think my main issue is that I think more clearly and more creatively in the mornings when I first wake up rather than in the evening.  The last few posts I’ve had were written in the morning as soon as I got out of bed.  During the workweek I arise at 5 am-ish and have to get out of the house by 6 am in order to be at work by 7 am.  I don’t have a lot of time to sit down and write a blog post during my brain’s peak.

When I get home in the evenings, all I have energy to do is stuff my face and relax for a little bit before I settle into my comfortable bed.  I’m not usually in a writing mood at night.  I may take some pictures, play some guitar, chat with Cheri, or watch some TV — but I never seem to be in the mood to write.

With the new year in full swing, perhaps I need to try to work on incorporating writing into my evening activities.  That way I can stay more current with the blogosphere.

Written by Eric Spiegel

January 9, 2009 at 6:31 am